I had applied for the SINP EE on 26th October
My Educational Qualifications is BE in Mechanical engineering but my Current responsibilities are listed in NOC 2231
And hence I applied for 2231 - Civil Engineering & Technologist, since I have 10 years experience in this NOC
In December 2017 - I received ADR for ECA, Educational Transcript and POF
Today I received an Ineligility letter from SINP stating
You have not scored a minimum of 60 points out of 100 on the grid assessment
Work Experience Credentials
You do not have one year of experience in the past 10 years in the field of education or training
I had applied for the SINP EE on 26th October
My Educational Qualifications is BE in Mechanical engineering but my Current responsibilities are listed in NOC 2231
And hence I applied for 2231 - Civil Engineering & Technologist, since I have 10 years experience in this NOC
In December 2017 - I received ADR for ECA, Educational Transcript and POF
Today I received an Ineligility letter from SINP stating
You have not scored a minimum of 60 points out of 100 on the grid assessment
Work Experience Credentials
You do not have one year of experience in the past 10 years in the field of education or training