peep said:
19th 60% 2008
computer science diploma 2008 -2011
ielts 6bands
now get admission in computer system diploma networking coop georgian college
i waanna a strong sop contant from u
i have choose again diploma but in previous diploma of cse there is basic info awt networking but in this diploma brief info awt networking so plzz gave me contant to convince vosa officer
thNks for ur quick rply dude
I am from the generation which saw the world changing, calculator replaced by scientific calculators, telephone replaced by mobile phones, typing machines replaced by computers etc. This rapid development in the field of computer and technology always amazed me. I don't forget the feeling when I used computer for the first time, doing calculation in excel, painting, playing games. Very early in my educational life, I developed the desire to be among the experts of computer technology. This desire evolved into a strong motivating force as I grew up and helped me to achieve my aims. I have completed my 3 years diploma in computer science. WRITE SOME DETAIL ABOUT YOUR DIPLOMA HERE. and mention the subject you studies relating to networking, labs and projects you did that is related to networking.
The field of computer science is a new world in itself. A lot of research is being carried out these days in the field of computer networking. It wouldn't be wrong to say that the whole computer world revolves around this field. Our banking system, internet, emailing all these things are possible due to networking. This is a field of high demand and I believe that my previous qualification i.e. diploma is computer science was very generic. It did provide me exposure to networking but I feel the desire to learn more about computer network. This desire to achieve expertise in the field of networking motivated me to do XYZ diploma for this college.
You got some points, work on it, improve it and that's it.