No one can answer this question perfectly. Getting a visa depends on overall profile(academic+ work experience(if any) + IELTS score + financial ability) and then collg or university comes. If a person's profile is good, then definately he/she will get admitted in a good university/college.mozan said:in which college or uni Visa % is high?
Regards wajid
Right. Yet, I want to emphasize on 3 things:Lovely_16 said:No one can answer this question perfectly. Getting a visa depends on overall profile(academic+ work experience(if any) + IELTS score + financial ability) and then collg or university comes. If a person's profile is good, then definately he/she will get admitted in a good university/college.
So, a student would get VISA if he/she can prove that he/she is:nemo123 said:they will only give you visa if you are a genuine student and are in a good uni or a uni at a lesser populated are!
Hi,Rossei said:And how about one's family lives in Canada and you're showing that you want to study where your rest of family is. That proves you are going to live there permanently.