Hello all,
I really appreciate the efforts everybody is putting in to provide people some clarity on the Express Entry procedure. I am also one of them who seek your guidance.
I applied for Express Entry few months back and received an invite by Federal a month ago. I started compiling whatever was required and at last, I gathered everything. When I started filing the details, I also received a checklist to get an idea of what all I should keep ready.
My question is that I am Single/Never Married and have never traveled or resided outside India, but, when I received the checklist, it shows (Multiple) in my Passport/Travel Documents requirements and (Multiple) in PCC requirement. I do not know on what basis it is considering or mentioning - Multiple. As I am an individual who is never married or resided out of India, I do not have any multiple travel documents or PCC to submit.
Thought people with more clarity might be able to guide me on the same. Please help me as I am stuck. Thanks.
I really appreciate the efforts everybody is putting in to provide people some clarity on the Express Entry procedure. I am also one of them who seek your guidance.
I applied for Express Entry few months back and received an invite by Federal a month ago. I started compiling whatever was required and at last, I gathered everything. When I started filing the details, I also received a checklist to get an idea of what all I should keep ready.
My question is that I am Single/Never Married and have never traveled or resided outside India, but, when I received the checklist, it shows (Multiple) in my Passport/Travel Documents requirements and (Multiple) in PCC requirement. I do not know on what basis it is considering or mentioning - Multiple. As I am an individual who is never married or resided out of India, I do not have any multiple travel documents or PCC to submit.
Thought people with more clarity might be able to guide me on the same. Please help me as I am stuck. Thanks.