We've already sent the application but I just realized there's one thing I probably haven't explained well. This question about receiving financial support from the sponsor. I answered "no", because we both work and used to share the bills and rent (while living together), so I don't receive regular support...of course if I needed something, my sponsor would help just like I would help him. I didn't realize so many answers need to be explained, and I haven't written any explanation to this situation. We included copies of a few transactions between our accounts since our bank wouldn't give us any joint account statement and now I'm wondering if it sounds like I have received financial support after all. Should I send them an explanation? As far as I know our file hasn't been processed yet so what should I do?
We've already sent the application but I just realized there's one thing I probably haven't explained well. This question about receiving financial support from the sponsor. I answered "no", because we both work and used to share the bills and rent (while living together), so I don't receive regular support...of course if I needed something, my sponsor would help just like I would help him. I didn't realize so many answers need to be explained, and I haven't written any explanation to this situation. We included copies of a few transactions between our accounts since our bank wouldn't give us any joint account statement and now I'm wondering if it sounds like I have received financial support after all. Should I send them an explanation? As far as I know our file hasn't been processed yet so what should I do?