I am a Canadian citizen, born in Canada and sponsoring my wife who lives in the Philippines. I have completed all my forms but for some reason, I'm not getting Questions:
9) Are you a naturalized Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada ?
check the --Yes box or the No box... I am neither, I was born here. Should i just ignore this question ?
11) Are you currently living in Canada ?
if Yes, it asks "Since When " ..... should I ignore this question also...
I know its simple... I'm simply stuck .. maybe too tired
9) Are you a naturalized Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada ?
check the --Yes box or the No box... I am neither, I was born here. Should i just ignore this question ?
11) Are you currently living in Canada ?
if Yes, it asks "Since When " ..... should I ignore this question also...
I know its simple... I'm simply stuck .. maybe too tired