It is best to inquire with your local test center for the cost of a re-evaluation. It is usually around $100-$120 for this service however it is not always advised.
Some tips are:
- I don't recommend asking for your reading or listening paper to be re-marked. Reading and listening questions are either right or wrong, so it's unlikely that your scores will change.
- If there is a 2 band difference between your writing and speaking scores, they are usually double-checked automatically, so a re-mark probably won't help.
- A re-mark might be worth trying if you only need an extra half band in speaking or writing (e.g. if you have 6.5 and need 7).
- Remember that it can take up to 8 weeks to get your test re-marked. It might be faster to resit the test.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
My results: LRWS 8.5, 8.5, 7, 7.
I am thinking about applying for remark on W and S; 7.5 in those would be nice.
Odds for:
In writing I have used many less common words, connectors.
In speaking:
- I am thinking that my test administrators were so much in rush (lots of people).
- I have used idioms, some less common words and connectors.
- The difference in band scores is less than 2, so I guess they haven't rechecked as I got the results right on time (although it seems some people had successful re-evaluation even after their results got withheld).
Odds against:
- I remember I had some mistakes on writing. I didn't have time to recheck my essays.
- I feel like I didn't use all 2 minutes for section 2 of speaking.
- I have soft voice, which causes strain for the listener.
- Usually, I get lower scores on W and S in other tests.
I feel like I have many reasons against and it's going to be a waste of money and time. What do you think? Thanks.