Hi All,
i thought I should write abt my IELTS experience. Hope it is helpful to some. I am writing only my experience (not the topics i got ) so that first time test-takers know what conditions to expect on the exam day.
I registered for IELTS in bangalore. my speaking test date was 2 days before my LRW test.
Speaking test
I reached the center an hour before the scheduled time.. I could see only a couple of them like me who reached early.
Thankfully the examiner was available. so in ten minutes they verified our identification. we need to show our passport n hall ticket and they clicked our pic and took thumb impression. They also wrote the LRW seat number and edited the reporting time for LRW test. In the email it was mentioned to reach the venue at 11.15 or so. But they confirmed we need to reach only at 11.30 as the test would commence only at 1pm.
I was asked to deposit my mobile phone and bag and asked to go to the room where my examiner was waiting. You are supposed to tell your full name and show your passport. And they begin to record the conversation and the test has begun that means. Goes on for about 10 mins. For the cue card part, you are given a paper and pen. and a stop watch keeps running.. only for the examiner can see it though.
You need to carry the same hall ticket that you took for speaking as they would have mentioned the seat number there and it contains the speakingtest stamp. The reason why they ask to come an hour and a half early is that there are hundreds of applicants at the center. They send us in batch by batch acc. to seat num. You need to keep at the cloak room everything except Passport, hall ticket, stationery and water bottle. Again when you reach the floor they send you in your examination room batch by batch. This is because they check your passport, stationary pouch before letting you in.
Half an hour before the exam, there is a data verification form given. Contains name, DOB, mother tongue, seat num, address etc. You need to confirm the details by writing Y/N in the sheet.They collect your hall ticket.
Then they play a test CD to allow you to check if the head phone is working properly.
When it is about the test time, they distribute the answer marking sheet. one side for listening. other side for reading.
you need to fill in the seat num and name details on listening side first. this takes 5 min. use pencil only.
They then distribute the Listening question booklet. fill in your name and seat num there. only then the actual test begins. you need not worry about the delay in starting time cos they play a pre recorded CD that has pauses between the sections. The CD plays for about 30 minutes. Now you can mark your answers in the next 10 mins. They advise you to keep wearing the head phones as they mention when 2 mins are left and again when one min is left.
Then you return your question booklet to them.
Now they ask you to turn to the other side of answer sheet for reading. use pencil only.
you need to fill in the seat num and name details on reading side.
They then distribute the Reading question booklet. fill in your name and seat num there too.
The test center where I gave my exam displayed a clock on the screen. And they set the time to 1hr from when we began. So even if they began a bit late than scheduled time it was fine.
Do not wait till the end Fill in your answers in the answer sheet. you may lose track of time sometimes. So somewhere midway make sure you fill the anser sheet and do it again at the end for remaining.
For writing, they distribute two answer papers. One for letter writing and other for essay. you need to fill your seat num etc again in both the sheets as well as the question booklet but with pen only. you can take extra sheet if you wish for essay. You can write the answer with pen or paper. The clock is set for 1 hr again.
They collect the papers, they return the hall tkt with LRW stamp. I was out of the exam center only after 4.
The test duration is about 45 min for L, 1 hr for R, 1 hr W. But there is about 5-10 mins gap between each section for collecting papers, and distributing next paper, and filling details. You are not allowed to use the washroom most of the time. They have too many restrictions on when you can use it. So take care.
Carry your pencil, sharpener, eraser and pen. passport.hall ticket.water.watch.
Hope it is useful. People can add tips or any info i missed.