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May 16, 2014
Hi Guys,

Regarding the IEC family form, it states if you do not have any spouse or common law partners to sign on the line. Was just wondering would I have to print the form out and sign by pen as I am unable to type it in electronically. I have filled the form electronically via adobe reader but unable to sign. What would you guys suggest I do?

Another question would be, how did you guys upload all of the pages of your passport? I have scanned like 10 pages as they all have stamps, how do you guys upload all of these 10 files as one and under 4mb?

Any help would be appreciated. ;D



Full Member
Dec 9, 2014
Hello there.
sammiek123 said:
Regarding the IEC family form, it states if you do not have any spouse or common law partners to sign on the line. Was just wondering would I have to print the form out and sign by pen as I am unable to type it in electronically. I have filled the form electronically via adobe reader but unable to sign. What would you guys suggest I do?
Personally I printed mine out, signed Section A (no spouse/common-law), Section B (no children), Section C (certify truthfulness), re-scanned it and uploaded it.

sammiek123 said:
Another question would be, how did you guys upload all of the pages of your passport? I have scanned like 10 pages as they all have stamps, how do you guys upload all of these 10 files as one and under 4mb?
I had a new one myself, so I only had the bio-page with no stamps (file size: 1000x1048, <1MB).

Some scanner software do offer the option to compile your scans as a pdf; however, not all do, and I suppose 10 pages would be annoying to rescan.

You could try merging the images together using image software such as MS paint, Photoshop or GIMP (Free image editing software) and saving as a .png.

A better solution would be to use a recent word processor such as MS Word, OpenOffice Writer (Free software), LibreOffice writer (Free software), to compile your images manually and export to pdf. But this may or may not result in a large file.

To combat this, you can try to compress the pdf via tools such as: http://smallpdf.com/compress-pdf which (if you trust it) can take a 8MB file to <1MB. More ways are found here: http://www.wikihow.com/Reduce-PDF-File-Size

Or again, manually (or script) resize the image resolutions.