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I was absent for a long time - PR status


Jan 29, 2018

I received my PR card in november 2013 I haven´t been to canada since then. My PR card will expire in November 2018, Im planning to move to Canada in April 2018...Im not sure if they would let me stay in Canada since I have been out of the country for such a long time.

I know I can always appeal the decision, I would appreciate if someone can give me some advice
Thank you.


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2016
Well given you have failed the residency obligation although still having a valid PR card you can still board a plane destined for Canada it is possible, although not guaranteed that you will get reported at the border for failing the RO and then initiating the process to revoke your PR status.

The good news is that as a PR you will still be entitled to enter the country . However if the revoke process is started you would have the opportunity to appeal assuming you have good reasons for failing the RO.

Generally the reasons that would not cut it if just due to lack of inclination to move, financial reasons or work. Would need to be family related reasons such as looking after sick or old family members and so on even then successful appeal is an unknown factor..

Failing to meet the RO and entering after such a long time away is really just a gamble, some people enter without any issue stay under the radar for 2 years without leaving the country to reset their RO, others simply are unlucky and get reported. Even if successful you should not attempt to renew your PR card until you have accumated 2 years stay given that could also start the revoke process.