Hi friends im from pakistan i have to share some thing in this blog to get ideal advice for me. Actually i have intermarried here that is why here i belong to tribal area where i and my wife are looked down upon by our both families and society that is why i and my wife decided to apply for FSW BUT alas my category(social worker) has been capped but if i apply for FSW IT would take approximately 2 years process so living here sting us all the time,i and my wife are post graduate i have 4 years experience as social worker ,age 27 years,i have only 12 to 13 lacs so what is good for me now?I may apply as student visa or fSW?My option for canada is only for, this is the land where person can feel at home even canadian nation arent victim of jingoism and as well ethnocentric bias. So what is good for me?Please advise me because this is the forum where i can get reliable and satisfactory advice.
What is better for me now?
What is better for me now?