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I want to seperate from my spouse after 19 yrs she sponsored me. Can I?


Apr 21, 2016
I want to seperate from my Spouse here is the situation, what do I do???

I met my spouse on a Carribean Crusie, came to Canada where she lived (she is a canadian citizen) for a visit, decided to stay we went to Nevada and got married and we applied for her to Sponsor me after we were married and already lived in Canada (I am American).

She worked for the first 2 years of our marriage and I have been the sole $$ provider for the past 17 years. I am a landed immigrant of Canada we have 2 childern 15 and 17. My US passport expired as I have never left Canada after coming her 19 years ago.

1st concern, can I be deported if I apply for a seperation from her?
Can I seperate from her and leave the family household?
Do I have to get a vaild US passport in order to apply for Canadian citizenship?
Can I sperate from her if she is my sponsor, after all these years?
What application do I fill in to get my canadian citizenship?
Do I have to write a test and wait 36 months like some websites say?
Does my time in Canada help my process?
How long does it take to get my Canadian citizenship?

Also, because we got married in the US, do I have to get a divorce in the US or can it be done here in Canada?

Any advise or help with this is very much appreciated!!!!! I would really like to move on...


Champion Member
May 23, 2013
Job Offer........
1. No, you can't be deported for leaving your wife.
2. Yes, you can.
3. No, you do not need a U.S. passport, but you need to explain in your application that you have not had a U.S. passport for the last 6 years.
4. Yes, you can.
5. Go here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/adults.asp
6. Yes, unless you're 65 or older, you have to pass a test.
7. Yes
8. Processing times vary, depending on location and other factors, but I would say about 7 months to 1 year for a U.S. citizen.
9. You would apply for a divorce in the province/country where you live.