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I need some advice please !!!!!


Apr 10, 2009
hi, I was deported just over a year ago from canada while in the middle of a custody battle..my prra application was turn down...I kept askin for more time to get my daughter back but the officer say no and I was sent home...since then I got my daughter back she has autism and there is no help in my country for kids with autism..I would like to come back to canada for medical treatment..I can't find an ARC application..I spoke with some at the visa office in port of spain they told me to fax a letter to to them with my reason for returning to canada...Its almost year and since I sent the fax and no reply...what can I do to get my daughter the treatment she needs a.s.a.p....can I return with a letter from a dr....does it help the she is canadian...how long do I have to wait before I can get back into the country..I had no real problems with the officer I left when they told me I had to...I really need some help I don't know what else to do and I want my daughter to get the best treatment I could get for her...It was a long fight to get her back and now am at a brick wall here can anyone helpme please I would really appreciate it...thanks


Hero Member
Jul 25, 2008
You might wanna take your daughter with medical records to a canadien embassy closs to you and hear what the officers will say
God Bless


Apr 10, 2009
thanks,god bless u too, someone at the office in port of spain finally answered the phone..they said I should write a letter and fax it but I did that before and got no answer...I don't want to waste my time and money...I heard about the manager being able to give permission in special cases...does anyone know how to contact the manager in port of spain...I am looking for the fastest way to get my kid the care she needs...please and thank you !!


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

jeriq said:
thanks,god bless u too, someone at the office in port of spain finally answered the phone..they said I should write a letter and fax it but I did that before and got no answer...I don't want to waste my time and money...I heard about the manager being able to give permission in special cases...does anyone know how to contact the manager in port of spain...I am looking for the fastest way to get my kid the care she needs...please and thank you !!
IMHO I think that is going to be almost impossible for you to return to Canada after being deported. I think that CHC is going to take the attitude that it was your decision to remove your child from Canada where she would be able to get treatment to a country where treatment is not available.



Apr 10, 2009
thanks for the advice pmm, It was not my choice though...my choice was to stay and take care of my kid...I had already move on from the refugee application...got married and started a family and had a few job offers yet they said I did not establish my self in canada ...I even had another application for PR in process but its gone now am out of the country..things seem a little unfair to me but they were just doing their job...why would u want to take a little girl away from the only family she has left I will never understand..but I did what they ask me in the hope that one day she would be return...I am hard working man and I do what I have to do to take care of my kid but we would have better care in canada...I don't have a criminal record nor am I a danger to anyone..I just want whats best for my kid like any good parent would...its funny how there is so many immigrants working at CIC yet they don't think that anyone else should have a better chance at life when they came to Canada for the same reason...this is in general not at anyone...I do appreciate all your help..thanks for taking the time....have a good one.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
I think your case is really to hard for anybody here. I think you need an immigration lawyer. Once you are deported, it is not easy to get back. As for your daughter, she has other relatives in Canada she could stay with? You could give them guardianship and send her to them and then she would get the medical care she needs.


Apr 10, 2009
thank you leon, I had a lawyer but he wanted more than money...we don't have anyone else that would be able to take care of her...I would have done that even if it meant being apart from her just so that she could have a better chance at life...I will never give up..she is the reason I keep going...and one day I wil come back to this site and tell you how my life is going in canada...thanks again for the advice it means a lot that you took the time to answer me and am sorry it was such a hard question..have a great one !!


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
You can try to apply yourself for Humanitarian and Compassionate reasons. You can email the immigration minister, see http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/minister/index.asp I don't know if you have a 1% chance or what but it is worth a try.