A Aquila4784 Newbie Jul 7, 2019 1 0 Jul 7, 2019 #1 My husbands score in ielts is listening(7.5)speaking(6.5)reading(6.0) and writing( 5.5..)...total 6.5....mine is 5.5 in all except speaking (6.5)..total is 6.0...pls how do we start the process.we will love to relocate to nova scotia
My husbands score in ielts is listening(7.5)speaking(6.5)reading(6.0) and writing( 5.5..)...total 6.5....mine is 5.5 in all except speaking (6.5)..total is 6.0...pls how do we start the process.we will love to relocate to nova scotia