For Admin or who work on this Forum
So I have Aplyed once in Germany in 1998-1999,and I had a positive answer so like "Aproved Aplication Form" and after I had become a new letter that I have to go in Canadian Embassy in Berlin,so give an interview and I schould have a passport picture with me and everything.
I had Apllyed from Franfurt,for Winipeg,from one office in Frankfurt (I have at home the papers)
I didn't realise my "Dream"because my status to stay in Germany was finish.So I had to go back in my country.
But realy my dream was to live in Canada,and so like I see in internet(from this Email's,that I become from Mr.David Cohen,I see that is the same chances what I just haved in 1998-99,
1) I have a "Universary Degree (Diploma)"-in Juridical Faculity,
2)I have a several International Diplomas for Fire Fighting in Airports,FFI an FFII,means Structural FF,and Fire Fiighting in Airports -that what I do now (I work in Prishtina International Airport,
3)I have a several recomandation from several managers ,what I worked in IOM -International Organisation forMigration,so like in begining in Security Way,then like Logistick,etc I have all this kind of dokuments at home in original.
My question is if somebody can help me on Aplying or better to cal "Reapply" so if is that case please write me on my Email adress:
on email because is issier and better to find.
So I have Aplyed once in Germany in 1998-1999,and I had a positive answer so like "Aproved Aplication Form" and after I had become a new letter that I have to go in Canadian Embassy in Berlin,so give an interview and I schould have a passport picture with me and everything.
I had Apllyed from Franfurt,for Winipeg,from one office in Frankfurt (I have at home the papers)
I didn't realise my "Dream"because my status to stay in Germany was finish.So I had to go back in my country.
But realy my dream was to live in Canada,and so like I see in internet(from this Email's,that I become from Mr.David Cohen,I see that is the same chances what I just haved in 1998-99,
1) I have a "Universary Degree (Diploma)"-in Juridical Faculity,
2)I have a several International Diplomas for Fire Fighting in Airports,FFI an FFII,means Structural FF,and Fire Fiighting in Airports -that what I do now (I work in Prishtina International Airport,
3)I have a several recomandation from several managers ,what I worked in IOM -International Organisation forMigration,so like in begining in Security Way,then like Logistick,etc I have all this kind of dokuments at home in original.
My question is if somebody can help me on Aplying or better to cal "Reapply" so if is that case please write me on my Email adress:
on email because is issier and better to find.