A quick comment,It also depends on how powerful your MP is,I work a lot with them in my work,For example I will be at Prime Minister s Harpers Summer Barbeque this Sunday and have been with 3 ministers so far this week.If He is opposition,Such as NDP,Liberal or Bloc,He doesnt carry much weight,Goverment MP s have more weight,Ministers even more.
To cite an example,somebody I was assisting needed to get Family members from overseas to attend the Funeral of their son,8 applied hoping at least 2-3 would be approved.I got their MP a Liberal to write a letter of support,But no results after 2-3 weeks,With the body deteriorating in Funeral Home,I contacted one of the Special Assistants of a very powerful Federal Minister,Cannot say name But one of the top leaders in Conservative Party,Who said to the Embassy,that If they do not act on it,They will be contacted by the Prime Minister s Office PMO.All 8 visas were released in 24 hours and Embassy even asked the family if there were any more who wanted who wanted to attend.Just my own experience