Hi Chandra, the following is the information which you require to add your spouse into your ongoing file. Check it out.
(A) If the spouse is a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, he/she must submit the following documents:
· 1. Proof of citizenship or permanent residence
· 2. A copy of the marriage certificate or proof of common-law relationship
No processing fee is required in this case.
(B) If the spouse is not a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, he/she must submit the following documents whether he/she will accompany you to Canada or not:
· Copy of the bio-data pages of current valid passport (Must include passport number and validity date)
· Completed application forms (enclosed):
· IMM 0008 Generic – All pages must be completed and page 5 signed by the principal applicant; pages 3-5 must show details of the newly added spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and all dependent children of principal applicant or spouse/partner.
o IMM 5669 Schedule A - to be completed by spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and all dependant children over age 18.
· IMM 5406 - to be completed by spouse, common-law or conjugal partner
· IMM 5409 - Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union if applicable
· Four passport-sized photographs
· Copy of the marriage certificate if applicable
· Copy of birth certificate (legible)
· Police certificates from any country where he/she has resided for six months or more since age 18 (Refer to the CIC website http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp
· Copy of divorce certificates/from any previous marriage(s)
o (If minor children are involved, custody documents must be included)
You must send these documents in hard copy (not via email) to the following address:
Case Processing Pilot - Ottawa
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
219 Laurier Avenue West
7th Floor Section B
Ottawa ON K1A 1L1
On receipt of these documents, the spouse will be added to the application as a non-accompanying dependant, and medical forms and instructions will be sent to you.
If the spouse intends to accompany your client to Canada, your client must pay the processing fee of $550 CAD (or USD equivalent as posted on the Detroit visa office fee schedule) for your client’s spouse application. This payment must be made to the Detroit visa office in a format acceptable to that office. Please consult http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/detroit/visas/fees-frais.aspx?lang=eng&view=d for complete instructions.
Send the fee payment to one of the following addresses:
Canadian Consulate General
Immigration Section
600 Renaissance Center, Suite 1100
Detroit, MI 48243
Canadian Consulate General/IMM
401 Ouellette Ave
P.O. Box 940 Station “A”
Windsor, ON N9A 6P2
Once Detroit has received the processing fee, your client’s spouse application status will be changed to an accompanying dependant.
Please also note that before a Permanent Resident Visa can be issued, every applicant and his/her spouse, common-law or conjugal partner who meets the admission requirements for permanent residence in Canada is required to pay a Right of Permanent Resident Fee (RPRF) in the amount of $490 Canadian (or current USD equivalent). The visa office in Detroit will request this fee at the appropriate stage in the processing of the application.