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How long I can leave canada if I am permanent resident


Full Member
Nov 24, 2016
HI ,

I planned to land Toronto in Feb , but my boss offers me another contract for 18 months . Can I land canada and return to my country office for 18 months? I am serious I will return to Canada after contract end .




Hero Member
Apr 27, 2014
Regina, SK
Your residency obligation (RO) calculation begins on your landing date when you first became a PR. (It will have nothing to do with the expiry date of your PR card.)

In the first 5 years after you became a PR, you only need to be in Canada 730 days (2 years). Once you land you could in theory leave Canada and not return until 3 years later.

The rule changes after the 5 year anniversary date of your landing. At this point you are required to have a rolling 730 days any time you have been away and want to enter Canada or when you go to renew your PR card.

Always keep in mind that the PR card is only a travel document. If the card expires you don't lose your PR status. The only way you can lose your PR status is if you ever formally tell Canada you no longer wish to be a PR or if CIC revokes your status because you failed the residency obligation.


Hero Member
Apr 27, 2014
Regina, SK
Also, you need to land and get your PR status with your confirmation of permanent residence document (COPR) before that document expires.

You can then be outside Canada up to 3 years from your landing date as I explained above. If you don't land and the COPR expires you'll have to redo your PR application