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How long does it take to get a temporary passport for a citizen?


Jul 13, 2016

I live in the UK with my husband and 1.5 year old daughter. I am a naturalized Canadian (since 2005), but my husband and daughter aren't because my husband is from UK and daughter wasn't born in Canada. I have applied for her citizenship certificate because she is legally a Canadian citizen, she just doesn't have the papers. I will get the certificate in 5 - 7 months.

My problem is that my daughter's and my own visa will be expiring very soon. We are in the UK on a dependent tier 2 visa and it will be ending very soon. I have a Canadian passport, but I applied for a temporary passport for my daughter. How long will it take for that temporary passport to arrive if the case is dealt with urgently (as they said they will deal with urgently)? And how long does it take to get a temporary passport if the case is normal and not urgent?
