Currently I have about 1-1.5 years left until I get my master's degree in Engineering in Applied Physics from Lund University in Sweden. Next semester I'm going to study as an exchange student at École Polytechnique de Montréal, and after that I just have to finish my master thesis (which in Sweden is usually done working as an intern at a company).
Does anyone know how feasible it would be to move to Montréal to live and work there when I'm done with my master's? I've read that you need to get certified as an engineer to be able to work professionally as one in Canada, but also that there are ways around this by having a certified supervisor or being employed with another title than engineer until you get your certificate. Does anyone have any first-hand experience with this, or know how it's like in your company (i.e. if they're willing to hire recent immigrants or just don't bother with it at all)? If there's an option to do my master thesis as an intern at a company there that would be great as well, but otherwise I have one lined up at a big company here in Sweden where I currently work part-time one day a week doing "engineering stuff" (so I have at least some relevant work experience).
Right now my french could best be described as decent (and that's a stretch, really), but I'm working as hard at it as I can until my exchange semester. There all the courses will be in french and I'm obviously counting on greatly improving my knowledge of it.
It seems like this forum is more for specific questions about immigration applications, so I hope I'm not terribly off-topic here. Any help or thoughts on my situation would be much appreciated, as well as suggestions on any preparations I should do when I'm studying there that will help the immigration process when I'm done with my master's.
Does anyone know how feasible it would be to move to Montréal to live and work there when I'm done with my master's? I've read that you need to get certified as an engineer to be able to work professionally as one in Canada, but also that there are ways around this by having a certified supervisor or being employed with another title than engineer until you get your certificate. Does anyone have any first-hand experience with this, or know how it's like in your company (i.e. if they're willing to hire recent immigrants or just don't bother with it at all)? If there's an option to do my master thesis as an intern at a company there that would be great as well, but otherwise I have one lined up at a big company here in Sweden where I currently work part-time one day a week doing "engineering stuff" (so I have at least some relevant work experience).
Right now my french could best be described as decent (and that's a stretch, really), but I'm working as hard at it as I can until my exchange semester. There all the courses will be in french and I'm obviously counting on greatly improving my knowledge of it.
It seems like this forum is more for specific questions about immigration applications, so I hope I'm not terribly off-topic here. Any help or thoughts on my situation would be much appreciated, as well as suggestions on any preparations I should do when I'm studying there that will help the immigration process when I'm done with my master's.