Please explain where did you feel complicated?
Notes to Overseas Applicants
The issuance of Certificates of No Criminal Conviction is a charged service provided by the Hong Kong Police Force which is solely in connection with a person's application for a visa to visit or reside in another country, or for adoption of children. Applications for the Certificate for any other purposes will not be accepted.
Application Procedures and Documentation Requirements
2. Applications should be made in writing to:
The Commissioner of Police
(Attn.: EO CNCC)
14/F, Arsenal House,
Police Headquarters, 1 Arsenal Street,
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
3. Applicants may also arrange to hand in their application to the above quoted address or deposit their application into the drop-in box provided at the First Floor of the Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, 1 Arsenal Street, Wanchai.
4. All applications must contain the following documents:
a) A completed application form .
b) A photocopy of his or her Hong Kong Identity Card / valid Travel Document.
c) A photocopy of a letter from the relevant Consulate / Immigration Authority / Government Authority, which contains his or her name and clearly indicates that the production of the Certificate is required.
d) A photocopy of the documents proving his or her relationship with the Principal Applicant for the application if the said letter does not contain his or her own name.
e) A full set of his or her fingerprints taken and certified by a recognized police or law enforcement agency where he or she presently resides. A full set of fingerprints should include the impression of each of his or her fingers, the plain impression of the four fingers of his or her left and right hand taken simultaneously, and the plain impressions of thumbs. Certification of the fingerprints must clearly state:
i. The name and rank of the person taking the fingerprints
ii. The full name of the police or law enforcement agency with their official chop, and
iii. The date and place taken
Fingerprints submitted that do not clearly show certification are not acceptable. Fingerprints taken by the applicants themselves, a legal representative or private / commercial agency are also unacceptable.
f) A bank draft to the amount of HK$210 per person, made payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region". The draft must be payable in Hong Kong. A personal cheque in Hong Kong dollar which is issued and authorized by any licenced banks in Hong Kong is also acceptable.
Application documents issued in languages other than Chinese or English, shall be accompanied with an official transcript, in Chinese or English, as endorsed either by the issuing authority, or a certified translation services body.
Authorization to disclose Criminal Records and Issuance of Certificate
5. The applicant can download a fingerprint consent form, an application form (online form)and a standard personal data form (online form) for completion, and then send them together with the application. He or She shall authorize the Hong Kong Police to retain the fingerprints and that details of any criminal conviction recorded against him or her in Hong Kong can be disclosed to the appropriate Consulate/Immigration Authority / Government Authority without prior reference to him or her. If the aforesaid documents are not received by this office at time of application, blank forms will be sent to the applicant upon acceptance of his/her application. In the absence of the completed documents, application shall not be further processed.
6. If no criminal conviction data against the applicant in Hong Kong is located, we shall issue the Certificate and send it directly by registered mail to the relevant Consulate / Immigration Authority / Government Authority within four calendar weeks.
7. If criminal conviction data is found, both the relevant Consulate / Immigration Authority / Government Authority and the applicant will be replied with a letter advising that the Certificate could not be issued and listing out the conviction data by registered post, within the prescribed period.
8. If the applicant is under investigation by the Hong Kong Police Force, or is currently a defendant in criminal proceedings in Hong Kong, or is subject of non-payment of fine including traffic offences, his/her application will not be further processed until the matter concerned has been concluded. We shall issue a letter to the applicant informing that his/her application is pending conclusion of the matter. Once there are no outstanding matters, a Certificate or letter will be issued, in accordance with Paragraphs 6 & 7 above.
Handling of Personal Data
9. The personal data provided by the applicants will only be used for the purpose of processing their applications. Every applicant has the right to request for access and correction of his or her personal data, by sending a written request to the Chief Inspector (Support) Identification Bureau at 10/F, Arsenal House West Wing, Police Headquarters, 1 Arsenal Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong. In order to recover the administrative cost of acceding to such request, the applicant may be charged for any copy of the data requested, and in most cases, the prevailing government rate for photocopies will apply. All fingerprints and other personal data collected shall be destroyed within a reasonable period of time upon conclusion of the application process.
10. For enquiries, you may write to the Office, e-mail eo-cncc-ib @, call (852) 2860 6558, or fax (852) 2200 4321.