Unless you are a refugee / Physically challenged there is no point in relying on the 5 Federal drug assistance programs. But there are many states which provide you ARV drugs for free regardless of your age and income limit. if you smartly choose the province that you want to settle you can easily manage it.
It is relatively very easy to find an Internal medicine doctor in any big city. All states have HIV Assistance hotlines.
These 8 provinces offer universal coverage of antiretrovirals for all of their residents living with HIV (no income limit ) and provide free antiretrovirals (ARV) drugs at no cost to their residents, though these provinces do not provide universal coverage of prescriptions not related to HIV.
British Columbia - $0 Premium, $0 Deductible, $0 Co-Pay
under the British Columbia Centre for Excellence HIV Drug Treatment Program for HIV-positive BC residents and Residents with coverage from another jurisdiction awaiting BC medical coverage.
Alberta - $0 Premium, $0 Deductible, $0 Co-Pay
under Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan, Specialize High-Cost Drug Program for Alberta Registered residents.
Prince Edward Island - $0 Premium, $0 Deductible, $0 Co-Pay
under PEI Pharmacare for all PEI registered residents.
New Brunswick - $0 Premium, $0 Deductible, $0 Co-Pay
In New Brunswick, because premiums and co-payments were waived and not collected, the
New Brunswick Prescription Drug
Program & HIV/AIDS
functions as a universal one f
or all registered New Brunswick residents not receiving private insurance. Patients living in New Brunswick were not eligible for free antiretrovirals from the government if they received any benefits from a private plan,
whether the plan was full or partial
Saskatchewan - $0 Premium, $0 Deductible, $0 Co-Pay
On Apr. 10, 2018, the government of Saskatchewan announced a change in its reimbursement policy to provide universal coverage for HIV medication to all registered residents. The old Saskatchewan Drug Plan / Special Support Plan is undergoing changes and the SK registered residents who earlier paid a premium if their ARV drug costs greater than 3.4% of their taxable income, currently doesn't pay any premium or deductible.
Nova Scotia - $0 Premium, $0 Deductible, Co-Pay (4 copayments of $11.25 dispensing fee for each 90-day prescription totaling $45 annually )
All HIV +ve residents of Nova Scotia are covered under the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness — Provincial High-Cost Drug Program.
Northwest Territories (NWT) - $0 Premium, $0 Deductible, $0 Co-Pay
All Non-Indigenous registered NWT residents are covered under "Extended Health Benefits for Specified Disease Conditions Program"
The following States have had either a co-payment or a deductible, or both, for antiretrovirals.
Ontario - $0 Premium, Deductible (~4% of net household income; prorated and payable quarterly), Co-Pay ($2 per prescription)
For all Registered Ontario residents enrolled in the Trillium Drug Program who have high drug costs relative to their income
Quebec - $0-$667 Premium, Deductible based on the price of Rx, 34.5% Co-Pay
Quebec collected a yearly income-based premium of $0 to $667 from noninsured people whether they purchased ARV drugs or not. If one purchased ARV drugs from Quebec drug formulary, he has a monthly deductible of Rx (eg . $19.45 for Atripla) × 34.5% co-pay (up to a maximum of $88.83/mo ($1066/yr))
Manitoba - $0 Premium, $0 Co-Pay
Deductible for All Manitoba residents: 3.05%–6.9% of adjusted family income**; not prorated; minimum $100/yr . “total adjusted family income” is the total taxable income minus $3000 for each dependent under the age of 18 years.
New Foundland & Labrador - $0 Premium, $0 Deductible
Residents with eligible drug costs that exceed 5% of net income < $40 000
Copayment rate = income × 5% / total drug expenditure
Residents with eligible drug costs that exceed 7.5% of net income between $40 000 and $74 999
Copayment rate = income ×7.5% / total drug expenditure
Residents with eligible drug costs that exceed 10% of net income $75 000 to < $149 999
Copayment rate =income ×10% / total drug expenditure
Yukon - $0 Premium, Deductible - First $250 of eligible costs per year ($500 per family), $0 Co-pay
Under the Chronic Disease and Disability Benefits Program for registered Yukon residents.
Private or employment Insurance does come in handy if you live in the states with a complicated Healthcare system. Do note that Coordination of benefits with private insurers was allowed in all programs sharing antiretroviral costs except Quebec