I appreciate all your comments. I'm not here to argue or recruit people. And yes this is commission base. This is very legit. You can come to our office in Scarborough to testify. In a commission base environment, We are part of BMO department ( yes BMO the bank) that offers retirement plan. We are not selling anything. This is purely to educate people if they want to save more money and save for thier retirement. I encourage the people here to come to our office and judge for yourself. This is not SCAM! Thank you. If you are not a sale person then this is not for you. But if you desire extra income working with a legit company with highest commision base in Canada then you are welcome and we are willing to discuss to you our products. Thank you. Again this is Extra Income and eventually can lead to full time if you are motivated enough. If you are tired of 9-5 jobs, pay cheque to pay cheque.. And this is the answer for you. Thank you.