Hi here i need sum hel bcz i am soooo confuseeeeeeeeddddd.....so I sponser my hubby whoz in pakistan
so i recieve a letter from CPC that thy accept the application nd forward it to Visa Office i.e Islamabad,on 16th August,

Aftr tht i rec another lttr from ISLB visa office thtz we rec ur application on 23rd August...in which thy said tht application of spouses takes 9 mnths to be processed, nd thy said we will only contact u if we need additional documents,,bt we send everything mails, cards,, ph bill. etc etc........ aftr tht its Feb 21st. 2011 i didnt get anythng frm thm
....aftr getting letter from Islamabad Visa oFFICE I WENT ON CIC.GC.CA TO check the status it says " IN PROCESS" bt now bfr 2 weeks its has changed to..WE RECIEVED UR APPLICATION ON 23RD AUGUST, ND WE RECIEVED YOUR MEDICAL TOO....thats all....so i wana know it shud says IN PROCESS...y it says like that i'e we rec ur application in aug etc etc???? me so curious abt tht ..... i am so worried abt tht IN PROCESS things y it dsnt says like that i.e IN PROCESS???
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Aftr tht i rec another lttr from ISLB visa office thtz we rec ur application on 23rd August...in which thy said tht application of spouses takes 9 mnths to be processed, nd thy said we will only contact u if we need additional documents,,bt we send everything mails, cards,, ph bill. etc etc........ aftr tht its Feb 21st. 2011 i didnt get anythng frm thm
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