I have four years bachelors degree from a HEC recoganosed university in pakistan. According to HEC Accoucement all four years Bachelors degrees are equal to 16 Years masters Degrees. they will also issue equilance certificat as well. i want to know would CHC Islamabad will give me 25 points for this four year bachelor degree which is equal to 16 years masters degree.
If anyone from Pakistan have the same conditioin or have information, please help me.
I have four years bachelors degree from a HEC recoganosed university in pakistan. According to HEC Accoucement all four years Bachelors degrees are equal to 16 Years masters Degrees. they will also issue equilance certificat as well. i want to know would CHC Islamabad will give me 25 points for this four year bachelor degree which is equal to 16 years masters degree.
If anyone from Pakistan have the same conditioin or have information, please help me.