Hi Asivad,
Thank you for your prompt assistance, your reply has surely cleared some of my doubts, however, a few new queries have arisen and I would really appreciate if you could share your inputs on them. But before listing the queries, please be informed of my educational and work exp. background so that it's easy for you to share specific thoughts -
Education - Master's in Business Administration (WES evaluation awaited) + Bachelor in Commerce hons (3 year course)
Work experience - 7 years + as consulting analyst (Travel domain) , business analyst (Financial industry), data analyst (Management Consulting), team lead roles
As you may agree after observing my education + work exp, that my work exp lies in between 012 and 112 NOC codes (as some responsibilities are overlapping) and I do understand that we can select different NOC for different job experience -
1. If the immigration case officer doesn't agree with our interpretation of NOC, can this be a reason of rejecting application?
The VO checks your application for basic eligibility for EE, program eligibility and CRS score calculation. Choosing a NOC incorrectly will lead to rejection only if NOC chosen is outside of 0/A/B or if NOC chosen is completely at odds with job roles & responsibilities. So the answer is Yes it is possible but doesn't happen as often as you would think because applicants spend a lot of time on this and usually end up choosing the right NOC.
2. Are you aware of any cases where application has been rejected due to incorrect NOC selection?
Not on this forum under EE so far.
3. If the answer to above questions is "yes", then is there any other source where we can exactly determine our NOC?
4 Do you suggest that the job reference letter mentions some of the duties verbatim as listed on CIC website (NOC list)? this is because my reference letter from my current org contains more or less the Job description as advertised for new hiring but unfortunately doesn't contain the exact wordings mentioned in the NOC list
No. In fact, exact wordings would hurt your case because then the letter would look as if it were written keeping CIC in mind. The roles and responsibilities have to be similar to NOC duties and not a copy-paste job. CIC understands that the rest of the World isn't bound by how CIC chooses to define job roles.
Thank you in advance for you time and help.