I need help
I applied on 29th April university category online from India
Biometric on 1st May
After that I received a mail on 13th June that my application number is changed due to administrative error but other application is same,
On 13th June medical is also updated
I am on 54th day and waiting is unbearable
I am confused and thinking if they start count the processing days after giving the new application number or count the previous 15 days also.
What should I do?
Any suggestion?
I need help
I applied on 29th April university category online from India
Biometric on 1st May
After that I received a mail on 13th June that my application number is changed due to administrative error but other application is same,
On 13th June medical is also updated
I am on 54th day and waiting is unbearable
I am confused and thinking if they start count the processing days after giving the new application number or count the previous 15 days also.
What should I do?
Any suggestion?