My boyfriend who is a Japanese National and I are currently living on working holiday in Australia and attempting to complete the forms for common-law spons. app. We began dating while he was on working holiday in Canada and after 7 months of living together in Canada moved here and have lived together in Australia now for a year. I'm having trouble filling out the portion where it asks if you are living in Canada currently - because im not- and it says that you need to apply for a different visa if you aren't currently living in canada? It also asks to specifcy if we're common law living in canada or spouses at the beginning of the application but we've only lived together in canada so does that mean we dont fit the requirements? We have plans to return to canada in December and are hoping to lodge the application on our own online asap so that maybe some kind of verdict can be reached by then because he would like to begin working as soon as we get there, or maybe a few months after. I'm really lost and am thinking about involving an immigration lawyer but would prefer to do it on my own. We'd even be open to applying inland if that is an easier way. If anyone has any advice i would be extremely grateful!!