Day Care Costs:
Depending on where you live, daycare costs can vary from $200 per month to more than $800 per month.
- Monthly daycare in the Chatham, Ontario, area averages $826 while similar daycare in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is only $395.
- Cheapest surveyed city for Daycare is Montreal with an avg cost of $205, based on the $7-a-day child care law in Quebec.
- Average monthly cost in some Canadian Cities:
**$205.00 -Montreal
**$395.00 -Winnipeg
**$415.00 -Regina
**$420.00 -Fredericton
**$430.00 -St. John
**$605.00 -Yellowknife
**$640.00 -London
**$650.00 -Kitchener
**$800.00 -Toronto
**$800.00 -Ottawa
- Fees are based on full-time daycare (5 days/week, 8 hrs/day) for a 4-year-old child in a 'for-profit' daycare center.
- Source: Statistic Canada Child Care Information