Hi All, Refresher, HE is my husband, American, Immigrating here to Ontario. One of MY forms asks for date he met my family and friends....is it OK to put just month and year because I don't know exact date?? Should I add an attachment to the form indicating this because I don't want it to be sent back because the "day" space is blank? Also, I know it's not difficult but I'm still not sure on this....On HIS IMM0008, #4 asks Immigration office requested for processing of this application, to my understanding this would be CPP-O, and the package gets mailed to Mississauga.....RIGHT? And the fees are Sponsor(me) $75, Applicant(him)$475 plus Right of Permanent Residence Fee $490 for $1040? It's easiest to do this online with a Credit card right??( I'm afraid of not getting the receipt, what if printer has a melt down at what couldn't be a worse time, this is not likely to happen....but you know)