Hi all,
me and my common-law partner have a doubt about getting married.
Can someone help us please??
We still live in Brazil and we are waiting for our ITA yet, and we have been in common-law for more than 12 months, with status and everything else correctly filled in CIC, as we are planning to go together to Canada.
However we are planning to get married and my future wife will change her name, so the doubt is:
If we receive a PR, and go to live in Toronto, can we marry there and she changes her last name living in Toronto?
Or we will have any kind of problems losing our PR or having problems in the future trying to get the citizenship?
(we dont want to marry here in Brazil because she will have to change all her documents, and we would have to live together and spend money that would be used in Canada)
Also another question, as per this site: www .ontario . ca/government/changing-your-last-name-just-married
She wants to remove BBB and DDD, and then add my last name, then it will be like: AAA CCC EEE
Canadian's law permit to do that?? It was not clear to me the statements above.
Thank you all in advance.
me and my common-law partner have a doubt about getting married.
Can someone help us please??
We still live in Brazil and we are waiting for our ITA yet, and we have been in common-law for more than 12 months, with status and everything else correctly filled in CIC, as we are planning to go together to Canada.
However we are planning to get married and my future wife will change her name, so the doubt is:
If we receive a PR, and go to live in Toronto, can we marry there and she changes her last name living in Toronto?
Or we will have any kind of problems losing our PR or having problems in the future trying to get the citizenship?
(we dont want to marry here in Brazil because she will have to change all her documents, and we would have to live together and spend money that would be used in Canada)
Also another question, as per this site: www .ontario . ca/government/changing-your-last-name-just-married
Let's suppose my wife's full name is: AAA BBB CCC DDD (one name plus three last names)When you get married, you don’t have to legally change your last name (surname). You have 3 options if you would like to change your name. You can:
change your last name to your spouse’s last name
combine both of your last names with a space in-between
combine both of your last names with a hyphen
If you choose to have a double last name you can also select the order that they appear.
She wants to remove BBB and DDD, and then add my last name, then it will be like: AAA CCC EEE
Canadian's law permit to do that?? It was not clear to me the statements above.
Thank you all in advance.