Looking for advice on permanent residency/immigration in Canada.
48 years old.
Registered psychiatric nurse with twenty years experience in areas of acute mental health and continuing care mental health.
Grandfather and great grandparents were Canadians.
Mother held dual citizenship.
No debt.
No personal wealth.
First language is English.
Two children who I wish to take with me (21 and 23).
Would like to move to Ontario.
Can I apply for citizenship based on my Grandfather and mothers dual citizenship?
Will my work experience help an application?
Do I fall under the skilled worker category?
Are psychiatric nurses 'recognised' in Ontario?
What immigration process would be best for me to follow?
Will my children have to apply seperately or can we apply as a family?
Any other advice or information would be welcome. I'm very much a novice but this is something I want to pursue for myself and my family.
Thank you.
Looking for advice on permanent residency/immigration in Canada.
48 years old.
Registered psychiatric nurse with twenty years experience in areas of acute mental health and continuing care mental health.
Grandfather and great grandparents were Canadians.
Mother held dual citizenship.
No debt.
No personal wealth.
First language is English.
Two children who I wish to take with me (21 and 23).
Would like to move to Ontario.
Can I apply for citizenship based on my Grandfather and mothers dual citizenship?
Will my work experience help an application?
Do I fall under the skilled worker category?
Are psychiatric nurses 'recognised' in Ontario?
What immigration process would be best for me to follow?
Will my children have to apply seperately or can we apply as a family?
Any other advice or information would be welcome. I'm very much a novice but this is something I want to pursue for myself and my family.
Thank you.