"Repeatedly, people are expressing their frustration with the points system," said Mark Holthe, an immigration lawyer and partner at the law firm of Holthe Tilleman based in Alberta.
You could be a food-service supervisor with an LMIA-supported job offer and you would rank higher than the rocket scientist from abroad," he said in an interview with CBC News.
"It's been nine months already. It's time for the government to fix a system that doesn't work for Canadian businesses and that is putting off highly skilled candidates who no longer see Canada as a viable option," she said in a news release.
You could be a food-service supervisor with an LMIA-supported job offer and you would rank higher than the rocket scientist from abroad," he said in an interview with CBC News.
"It's been nine months already. It's time for the government to fix a system that doesn't work for Canadian businesses and that is putting off highly skilled candidates who no longer see Canada as a viable option," she said in a news release.