My Boyfriend is here as a visitor... We have found an employer who is willing to do an LMO for him and pay for his work permit. This is in the Agriculture stream, as a Poultry and Cattle farm Foreman. He would have a rent free home that would be included with his job and would be paid more then the national average wage for this position. The employer is in the process now of advertising for the job and we have the application for the LMO filled out and ready to send in... I am teaching my boyfriend English as much as I can because he understands more then he speaks... What are his chances of getting a work permit? Would he have more luck if he had a positive LMO and work contract and applied at the airport or would he have more luck if we did an outland application? Im not sure if we are just wasting our time.... would there be any specific reasons why they would say NO...... he has no criminal record, clean bill of health, qualified for the job.... the only thing that will probably hinder him is the language, although his employer does speak his language, does this matter? Any advice????