I'd really like someone to paint a picture for me about what really happens at the Canadian embassy besides Parties...ohh..it's famous for it's lunches and parties...just not for processing times...currently...it has on it's website that processing times are longer...how much longer??..Ahh..until the middle of September...then they will get back to their 4-10 day processing times....yeah.....Summer parties are almost over...My wife and step son have had their application in the Moscow office since the end of August...Really.....how long does it take to read??..Big decision??..O.k....might be good reason for the delay....between bankers hours and coffee breaks....We talked to a dispatcher at the courier company the embassy uses and she quoted 10-55 days..REALLY??? why???...Oh...Don't ask WHY...can't ask WHY....just sit and wait....plan 6 months ahead...who...can do that??...I hope to rattle some cages and get someone to make the goings on in this particular embassy a little more transparent.....why should it be a secret?? Maybe if people are held accountable this process will be a little less daunting.....