We have a close french citizen friend coming to visit us in alberta canada. We had told her to apply for the working holiday visa so she could gain some $ while here.
however when i look online that looks over quote. The skilled worker looks like there is room l. she is very smart managing restaurants in paris and speaking english, french, Spanish however not sure she has formal education above the french high school.
is there a way under french mobility for her to-ask for a work permit inland vs waiting for next holiday expierence pool to open ?? I saw they may be allowing this
any insight would be great
however when i look online that looks over quote. The skilled worker looks like there is room l. she is very smart managing restaurants in paris and speaking english, french, Spanish however not sure she has formal education above the french high school.
is there a way under french mobility for her to-ask for a work permit inland vs waiting for next holiday expierence pool to open ?? I saw they may be allowing this
any insight would be great