Before you sell your house, first start the process to immigrate. It can take months. You can apply as a skilled immigrant with the points system and get permanent residency right away or you can try to get a job and get a temporary work permit. My work just got a guy who is German and was living in Denmark and it took about 8 months to get all his paperwork in order for a temporary work permit.
When you arrive in Canada, you have to first build up credit before you can get a loan to buy a house unless you can afford to pay it completely cash. On you can see what the real estate market is like here. Normally you have to work in the same job for one year before they will even give you a small amount credit card. If you are a permanent resident, if you get the bank to lend you money, you can buy a house paying only 5% down, if you are not a permanent resident, you need 25% down.