Hello everyone, I currently live in the US and completed my Express Entry PR landing formalities along with my wife this past weekend and realized I haven't declared my arrest record for the question "Charged/convicted of a crime in any country, refused admission or required to leave Canada" on the CoPR document. It was stupid of me to not understand the question because I was under the impression this was for events after our PR application was received. For some unexplainable reason, I didn't ask the CBSA officer if the question was related to any arrest in the past and just answered it as 'No'. I had no intention to hide this with IRCC or CBSA and declared my arrest records to IRCC twice in the past (one during my visitor visa application and the other is during my PR application document submission and both were approved). This arrest was related to unauthorized gmail account access of my girlfriend from 2011 and the charges were withdrawn by her later on and I was acquitted. How do I correct this mistake with the CBSA office or on the CoPR document or am I left with no option other than facing consequences? Should I call CBSA and explain what happened or is there an option to submit a web form letting them know this was a failure on my part?
Please let me know because I have been really upset about what I did considering I declared everything as part of my application process and did this stupid thing unintentionally. I understand ignorance is not a reason but this has been bothering me and I wanted to go back to the border near Ambassador Bridge where I finished my landing and explain myself to the CBSA however I am not sure if that is the way to go about it.
Please let me know because I have been really upset about what I did considering I declared everything as part of my application process and did this stupid thing unintentionally. I understand ignorance is not a reason but this has been bothering me and I wanted to go back to the border near Ambassador Bridge where I finished my landing and explain myself to the CBSA however I am not sure if that is the way to go about it.