MARUTI said:
hello friends, ;D
Main applicant(me) and my spouse have pr visa which expires on december 2011 but we are planning for a child in india might be in june will me and my spouse will get extention of visa till my child grow for 6months or more.
Have you landed yet?
If you have landed then you need only stay in Canada for 2 out of every 5 years so it should be no problem.
If you have not landed yet then you must do so within 12 months of your medicals (is this what you mean by expires Dec 2011?). I do not think it is possible to extend your visa - you really do need to land within 12 months else you risk losing your residency status. You can of course try and request an extension but I do not think visa office would allow this for anything other than very exceptional circumstances, and a pregnancy is not really exceptional.
So IMO you either land before the child is born, and then either have the child born in Canada (in which case it will be a Canadian citizen) or have the child born back at home (in which case you will need to sponsor it).
If you have the child before you land you will need to add the child onto your application, which will mean separate fees and medicals.
Best of luck,