Hi. My family and i have decided to emigrate to Canada. We have filled in the profile in the CIC visa web page giving all personal, sork and educational details etc and then applied to the express skilled workers visa system. I immediately got a message back stating I was ineligible for the express visa system stating various reasons why I may not have met the criteria. Going through the various reasons, the only one I could conclude was that I did not meet the educational standards required. I do not have a degree however, I do have full high school certificates ( 'O' levels and 2 City & Guilds in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. My partner does have a University degree and is on my application. I was surprised to be rejected within a few seconds of my application. I am a qualified Locomotive Engineer with 12 years experience. I was a HGV Lorry driver prior to that and a British soldier prior to that. Is it the fact that our educational certificates are not certified by the ECA that my application as been rejected so quickly? I would not have thought that our educational certificates had to be accredited before applying. As I am in no position to improve my education, is there any other way of applying for a permanent residency visa for Canada for my Family and I?