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Express Entry profile - Work history concerns- need help


Hero Member
Jan 4, 2012
Hi friends,

I'm not active on this forum, but I watch everyday for updates and responses. I'm just creating my EE profile, I have got a few doubts that not letting me proceed further, I'm hoping I'd get proper responses if I post it here, so doing it..

1) Work history section in express entry profile

a) I have got 2 years of work experience in backhome - I will create a seperate entry for that - but that NOC code is different from the NOC code of my current job ( both fall under NOC A) - One is Software Engineer and other is Software Developer . 2173 and 2174 I guess .. would that be a problem ?

b) This is the most important one.. Here I have got almost 13 months of work experience ( 54 weeks)
but I have worked half a month in Jan and half a month in Feb ( 60 and 80 hours ) and from March till date 160 hours every month
and also last year I worked in July and Sept ( July 120 and Sept 160 ) after that I had to take break, but I continued working for the same employer from Jan untill September, from Oct - Present a different employer but same NOC code..

So my question is, Do I have to create seperate entries in work history section for the months that I have worked less than 30 hours a week??

because I say I have worked staright from Jan to Dec this year, then I will not be able to mention that Jan and Feb I worked only for 15-20 hours a week, because there is a text box in that page that asks you to mention number of hours a week you worked for that work entry.. I dont want to misrepresent and face consequenes in the future. So, please advice :)

if I have to create seperate entries for part time job, then I have to create many entries
1) July to September
2) Jan - Part time ( 60 hours a month)
3) Feb - Partime ( 80 hours a month )
4) March - Sept ( 160 hours ) - same employer
5) Oct - Curent (160 hours ) - different employer
6) 2 years back home experience

Please advise, what can I do or the way I thought makes sense or not ??

Thanks in Advance


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2016
Job Offer........
a) No problem

b) Yes, you'll need separate entries - just thinking about it gives me nightmares :p


Hero Member
Jan 4, 2012
DelPiero07 said:
a) No problem

b) Yes, you'll need separate entries - just thinking about it gives me nightmares :p
Thanks a lot. Lol, yes same here.. I have to make 6-7 entries now and that too today.. Dont want to miss the next draw

And I have given my IELTS in OCT, I have the TRF .. I was not satisfied with the scores so I gave it again on Dec 10th.. Results were out on 23rd dec, but due to holidays, I havent gotten my TRF yet .. but the latest scores are a bit better than the old ones. I am getting 3 points more with the latest ones.
But you cant use those scores in your EE profile if you dont have the TRF number right ?? ( the official report number on official report) ????


Hero Member
Jun 18, 2012
srujju said:
Thanks a lot. Lol, yes same here.. I have to make 6-7 entries now and that too today.. Dont want to miss the next draw

And I have given my IELTS in OCT, I have the TRF .. I was not satisfied with the scores so I gave it again on Dec 10th.. Results were out on 23rd dec, but due to holidays, I havent gotten my TRF yet .. but the latest scores are a bit better than the old ones. I am getting 3 points more with the latest ones.
But you cant use those scores in your EE profile if you dont have the TRF number right ?? ( the official report number on official report) ????
Yes, you cannot enter TRF score until it is released.

Delaying one or two weeks in your application will unlikely affect the outcome. CIC has draws a lot of times and it is extremely difficult to predict what the next score will be. They may suddenly drop the scores a few months later but no one knows.


Jan 9, 2017
DelPiero07 said:
b) Yes, you'll need separate entries - just thinking about it gives me nightmares :p

Hi guys! I have pretty the same situation.

I’ve worked for a company for 5 years:
- on a position of junior stuff member from February 2012 till September 2014 (10 hours / week);
- then I got promoted and worked on another position from September 2014 till January 2015 (30 hours / week);
- starting January 2015 I work on the same position but 15 hours / week.

So, in my Express Entry profile I’ll have three separate entries for each period of work for one company. I have some doubts about the way to prepare reference letters from the employer and I hope to find a piece of advice on it here.

As it is mentioned on the CIC web-site, the personalized document checklist in applicants’ online account prompts the applicant with an upload field for each work experience declared.

So it means that there should be three different reference letters for each entry, doesn’t it?

On the CIC web-site there is also a remark that a reference or experience letter from the employer should indicate all positions held while employed at the company and must include the following details: job title, duties and responsibilities, job status (if current job), dates worked for the company, number of work hours per week and annual salary plus benefits.

Can I upload the same reference letter showing my full history of employment at the company for each entry? So, the only difference will be in the salary for each specific period of employment at the company, right?

Thanks in advance


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2016
Job Offer........
vladislaff said:
Hi guys! I have pretty the same situation.

I’ve worked for a company for 5 years:
- on a position of junior stuff member from February 2012 till September 2014 (10 hours / week);
- then I got promoted and worked on another position from September 2014 till January 2015 (30 hours / week);
- starting January 2015 I work on the same position but 15 hours / week.

So, in my Express Entry profile I’ll have three separate entries for each period of work for one company. I have some doubts about the way to prepare reference letters from the employer and I hope to find a piece of advice on it here.

As it is mentioned on the CIC web-site, the personalized document checklist in applicants’ online account prompts the applicant with an upload field for each work experience declared.

So it means that there should be three different reference letters for each entry, doesn’t it?

On the CIC web-site there is also a remark that a reference or experience letter from the employer should indicate all positions held while employed at the company and must include the following details: job title, duties and responsibilities, job status (if current job), dates worked for the company, number of work hours per week and annual salary plus benefits.

Can I upload the same reference letter showing my full history of employment at the company for each entry? So, the only difference will be in the salary for each specific period of employment at the company, right?

Thanks in advance
You can have a single reference letter as long as it mentions the hours worked per week and the duties and responsibilities match your 3 positions (if different NOC).


Jan 9, 2017
DelPiero07 said:
You can have a single reference letter as long as it mentions the hours worked per week and the duties and responsibilities match your 3 positions (if different NOC).
Thanks for your message!


Hero Member
Jun 18, 2012
What DelPiero07 says is correct. However, you need to be very clear, to the eyes of CIC, regarding the duties of your three positions. I would not give CIC the impression that you are trying to sorta mash the duties of all three positions and that you try to trick them to think that all of your three periods have exactly the same duties (when they do not).

At least before express entry, CIC is very careful and place strong emphasis on the job duties of each occupation. Therefore, if I were you and if the three occupations share very similar duties, I would even just say that they all belong to the same occupation but with different hours per week and different pay. You may also try what DelPiero07 says and have the same set of duties for different occupations. (I have never tried this though but I guess it is fine, as long as it is extremely clear your descriptions can match (a) the main description and (b) most of the job duties for each of the NOCs in your application.) Alternatively, if they are three different occupations, I would have three different sets of duties, each set for each occupation. Be very clear to CIC regarding your job duties, and do not let CIC think that you are unclear in your description of any of the three occupations. Otherwise, you are inviting them to reject your application. (Yes, CIC has the right to reject an application without asking for clarification. This is in the law - the onus is on the applicant to provide clear information.)

Nevertheless, information from all three occupations can be within the same letter. CIC does not care about the number of letters but they care a lot about the clarity of the job duties of your three occupations. Confusing CIC regarding the job duties is not a good idea.


Jan 9, 2017
specialmary said:
What DelPiero07 says is correct. However, you need to be very clear, to the eyes of CIC, regarding the duties of your three positions. I would not give CIC the impression that you are trying to sorta mash the duties of all three positions and that you try to trick them to think that all of your three periods have exactly the same duties (when they do not).

At least before express entry, CIC is very careful and place strong emphasis on the job duties of each occupation. Therefore, if I were you and if the three occupations share very similar duties, I would even just say that they all belong to the same occupation but with different hours per week and different pay. You may also try what DelPiero07 says and have the same set of duties for different occupations. (I have never tried this though but I guess it is fine, as long as it is extremely clear your descriptions can match (a) the main description and (b) most of the job duties for each of the NOCs in your application.) Alternatively, if they are three different occupations, I would have three different sets of duties, each set for each occupation. Be very clear to CIC regarding your job duties, and do not let CIC think that you are unclear in your description of any of the three occupations. Otherwise, you are inviting them to reject your application. (Yes, CIC has the right to reject an application without asking for clarification. This is in the law - the onus is on the applicant to provide clear information.)

Nevertheless, information from all three occupations can be within the same letter. CIC does not care about the number of letters but they care a lot about the clarity of the job duties of your three occupations. Confusing CIC regarding the job duties is not a good idea.
Thanks for your reply, specialmary.

The positions are slightly different in my case: as a junior stuff member I had some responsibilities which included teaching students, conducting different kinds of examination and etc, which match NOC 4011. After my promotion, my duties basically remained the same, but some new ones were added to the list of my responsibilities, still matching the above-mentioned NOC.

My employer agreed to describe my employment history as clear as possible, so in the reference letter there will be clear indication of all duties at the position of junior stuff member and there will be separate list of my duties after the promotion (this will repeat some points from the list of my duties at the position of junior stuff member). Hope this will be a clear proof of my employment history.

However, there is another question which slightly bothers me. There will be 3 separate letters from the accounting department about the money I earned during each period of my employment at the establishment. I heard that it shouldn't be a problem for CIC, but still would like to clarify how I should upload them to the My CIC once I have got an ITA. Will it be OK if I upload the same reference letter from my direct employer for each of 3 entries, but with a letter from the accounting department which corresponds to a particular period of employment?

Like this:
- entry 1: ref. from employer + ref from accounting department #1;
- entry 2: ref. from employer + ref from accounting department #2;
- entry 3: ref. from employer + ref from accounting department #3.

And one more question: if I don't want to claim points for a particular education or employment period I may not include it in my Work History, but I have to mention it in my Personal History? And correct me if I'm wrong, but what is mentioned in Personal History does not require any documental proof for CIC, right?

Thanks in advance


Hero Member
Jun 18, 2012
vladislaff said:
Thanks for your reply, specialmary.

The positions are slightly different in my case: as a junior stuff member I had some responsibilities which included teaching students, conducting different kinds of examination and etc, which match NOC 4011. After my promotion, my duties basically remained the same, but some new ones were added to the list of my responsibilities, still matching the above-mentioned NOC.

My employer agreed to describe my employment history as clear as possible, so in the reference letter there will be clear indication of all duties at the position of junior stuff member and there will be separate list of my duties after the promotion (this will repeat some points from the list of my duties at the position of junior stuff member). Hope this will be a clear proof of my employment history.

I recommend you write the duty letter yourself and ask your employer to sign. You can visit NOC website for the work duties for each NOC code. Do not copy but paraphrase the main job description and work duties for each NOC code.

However, there is another question which slightly bothers me. There will be 3 separate letters from the accounting department about the money I earned during each period of my employment at the establishment. I heard that it shouldn't be a problem for CIC, but still would like to clarify how I should upload them to the My CIC once I have got an ITA. Will it be OK if I upload the same reference letter from my direct employer for each of 3 entries, but with a letter from the accounting department which corresponds to a particular period of employment?

Like this:
- entry 1: ref. from employer + ref from accounting department #1;
- entry 2: ref. from employer + ref from accounting department #2;
- entry 3: ref. from employer + ref from accounting department #3.

This is fine. Giving redundant information is better than not giving information.

And one more question: if I don't want to claim points for a particular education or employment period I may not include it in my Work History, but I have to mention it in my Personal History? And correct me if I'm wrong, but what is mentioned in Personal History does not require any documental proof for CIC, right?

Correct. Just assume that those jobs do not meet the criteria of NOC category 0, A, and B, and thus you do not need to give letters to support those.

Thanks in advance
Mar 22, 2018

Forgive me for waking up this thread. I am creating my express entry profile and I have multiple questions banging my head with respect to work history. It would be really helpful if someone can help me with it. Thanks in advance.

Primary Occupation

1) They ask me about my primary occupation --> Should this be a NOC that matches my current occupation/job title that I am working on currently.
2) They ask a start date for the primary occupation --> I joined my company 10 years back and I have been assigned to different roles/job titles over this period. So should this date be the start date of my job 10 years back or the start date of the job title that I am going to mention as my primary occupation in question 1.

All my below questions are about work history section.

I have been with the same company for the last 10 years. This is my only employer. I have not switched jobs/companies.

3) Should I create a separate record entry for each of the job title that I have held in the same company over the past 10 years.
4) Should my employer reference letter data exactly match with the work history data that I am going to provide as a part of answers to question 3 above.