After 1 yr of full time employment in Canada you will become eligible to apply under CEC stream of Express Entry.
You have to ensure that its a full-time job (35 hrs a week). Make sure that the company is registered so that ircc can verify it. At the end of one year you have to get a reference letter from your employer in the format prescribed by ircc.
Ideally, the letter should
- Be written on company letterhead
- Be signed by the responsible officer/supervisor
- Have the responsible officer/supervisor’s name and job title printed beneath the signature
- Include the company’s contact information
- Be stamped with the company’s official seal (if applicable)
- If possible, have the business card of the person signing it attached
The letter should include
- Your official job title
- The dates of your employment
- Your salary per week
- Your average hours per week
- A detailed list of your employment duties.