Hello, I need some guidance on experience letters: please let me know if any of these forms of experience letters will not be acceptable:
Option 1. Signed by my supervisor or company's HR on company letterhead
Option 2. Signed by my colleague certifying my experience, but not on company letterhead
Option 3. Older experience/relieving letter accompanied by offer letter, salary slips and promotion letter(s). The experience letter will only have designation, duration in company and salary.
Since I have over 10 years of experience with 4 companies, I am thinking of using options 2 or 3 for older experiences. Please let me know if anyone has used these options, or if there could be any challenges in using these options.
Thanks very much in advance!
Option 1. Signed by my supervisor or company's HR on company letterhead
Option 2. Signed by my colleague certifying my experience, but not on company letterhead
Option 3. Older experience/relieving letter accompanied by offer letter, salary slips and promotion letter(s). The experience letter will only have designation, duration in company and salary.
Since I have over 10 years of experience with 4 companies, I am thinking of using options 2 or 3 for older experiences. Please let me know if anyone has used these options, or if there could be any challenges in using these options.
Thanks very much in advance!