I am confused about the job offer letter. For Express Entry part time work hours can be added up over two years to meet the requirements but the phrasing says for the Job offer must be full time.
Or, is this just a reference to the amount of hours of experience required, and that a valid job offer could consist of part time work (25-30hrs)?
I am confused about the job offer letter. For Express Entry part time work hours can be added up over two years to meet the requirements but the phrasing says for the Job offer must be full time.
"A valid job offer has to be:
Does this mean, that while part-time hours can count towards experience, any job offer must be 30 + going forward?- made by one employer
- continuous
- paid
- full-time (at least 30 hours a week)"
Or, is this just a reference to the amount of hours of experience required, and that a valid job offer could consist of part time work (25-30hrs)?