I am in the process of creating my express entry profile. I am a Civil Engineer. I do not need a license to get a job as Civil Engineer in Canada, so can technically get a job without a license, but need a license to become a Professional Engineer. Reference link: https://newcomers.engineerscanada.ca/licensing-canada.
QUESTION: In the "Research" section of the Express Entry form it ask "Some jobs are regulated in Canada. You would need a license or certification to practice these jobs. Do you know if your primary occupation or trade is regulated?". Should I choose "Yes, No or I don't know"? Would prefer to choose Yes or No, as I don't know seems like I am not serious in looking for a job in Canada. Don't want to be misrepresenting Civil Engineering if I choose either Yes or No. Engineers please guide.
QUESTION: In the "Research" section of the Express Entry form it ask "Some jobs are regulated in Canada. You would need a license or certification to practice these jobs. Do you know if your primary occupation or trade is regulated?". Should I choose "Yes, No or I don't know"? Would prefer to choose Yes or No, as I don't know seems like I am not serious in looking for a job in Canada. Don't want to be misrepresenting Civil Engineering if I choose either Yes or No. Engineers please guide.