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EI question during PR process (in BC)


Jun 28, 2024

I am in the finalised stage of obtaining PR for myself and family, we have submitted our photos and info for review for them printing the PR cards. I am the lead in the application and we have done the application based on my job on a closed permit via PNP.

However as I am a teacher my company shut for the summer holidays and said that employees should claim EI (Employment Insurance). They will then re-hire everyone at the end of summer.
My questions are:
  1. If I claim EI - this means I have "lost my job" and could this then affect the PR application? If I've read correctly then the two are not linked and I am entitled to claim as I have been paying into it.
  2. I believe I would have to let IRCC know that I have lost my job, however are we passed that stage in the process to not worry about this?
  3. Any red flags here that I should worry about for our application?
Thank you!