Personal Description
Eye colour
Immigration History
Has <applicant> applied to Citizenship and Immigration Canada before?
How many family members does <applicant>have? (This includes <applicant>, a spouse or partner, dependent children, and their dependent children.)
Personal Activities
Provide the details of <applicant>'s personal history in the last ten years (or since his/her 18th birthday if this was less than ten years ago).
Provide complete details of military and/or paramilitary service for any country in whose armed forces <applicant> has served at any time.
List any government positions (such as civil servant, police officer, employee in a security organization) <applicant> has held at any time. Include positions <applicant> has held before or after retirement.
List any organizations <applicant> has supported, been a member of or been associated with at any time. Include any political, social, youth or student organization, trade unions and professional associations.
Do not use abbreviations.
Eye colour
- I've had different people say black or brown ... what should I answer here?
Immigration History
Has <applicant> applied to Citizenship and Immigration Canada before?
- Since I have study permit & work permit in Canada, I should answer "yes"? I never applied to PR before
How many family members does <applicant>have? (This includes <applicant>, a spouse or partner, dependent children, and their dependent children.)
- I am married, my spouse is Canadian - so not included in the application and not "accompanying" me to come to Canada
- should I fill this question with "1" or "2" - I think it should be 2, but just want to make sure
Personal Activities
Provide the details of <applicant>'s personal history in the last ten years (or since his/her 18th birthday if this was less than ten years ago).
Provide complete details of military and/or paramilitary service for any country in whose armed forces <applicant> has served at any time.
List any government positions (such as civil servant, police officer, employee in a security organization) <applicant> has held at any time. Include positions <applicant> has held before or after retirement.
List any organizations <applicant> has supported, been a member of or been associated with at any time. Include any political, social, youth or student organization, trade unions and professional associations.
Do not use abbreviations.
- Should include various student organizations that I was involved in?
- Should include volunteer experiences?