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EE FSW or PNP opinions


Star Member
Jun 28, 2016
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
Hello everybody,

Can you share with your opinions about my further plans, they are a little complicated but I try to simplify it, as I want to ask many questions and hope and dare to get an answers.

Age 31
CRS points 458 (till April 2017 then I am turning 32 and will have 453)
NOC 2145

1. Difference between applying via Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) & Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is - FSW allows you to settle in every territory or province of Canada you want to (if you are awarded in pool of course!!!!), when PNP bonds you for particular province for minimum 3 years. Means preferably most of us would like to get through FSW, fly to Canada and seek a job in preferred province. In my case Alberta will be perfect.

Is it correct??
and is it main target difference or there is anything else I missed??

2. I have two options (both are uncertain but possible) - wait (for 2-3 month till November/December!!!) when/if miracle will come and CRS pool cut-off points will lower to 458 or even less so I can apply via EE FSW
or .....
try to go through PNP starting from tomorrow

What dou you think??? I do understand that pool CRS points are unpredictable and nobody (except Minister of CIC) can certainly tell, and I am not going to do a blind step, without analyzing... but still everyone has their thoughts and forecasts about next EE pools. I will be happy if you share your opinions and advice if I should hold on for a 2/3 month or speed up with PNP??
Id addition: I just read that CIC may increase number of ITA soon, as to fullfill 2016 plan, now they have already did 18,000+ who knows what is the number of planned ITA for 2016??? as somebody says 31,000 sonebody 24,000

3. PNP - currently and theoretically I can participate in 3 PNP's: Ontario, Prince Edward, New Brunswick

a) Ontario - just wait if they would interested in my profile as I have more than 400 CRS. + they are on "pause" now, who knows when they switching to "open".
What are the main criteria of picking up candidates to nominee???? - higher points; like 460 have more chances than 450 or NOC of candidates who have more than 400; like I have 458 but my NOC not popular in Ontario so I completely not interesting for that province and someone with 401 points but right NOC get OPNP?????

b) Prince Edward Island PNP - I wanted to send an Expression of Interest (EOI) yesterday, the thing that stopped me is - wouldn't it have negative impact on other province nominees for instance Ontario or even EE program as I theoretically try to participate in two PNP's????

P.S. However EOI is not considered an PNP application, but still better to be safe I guess and figure it out before making a mess and start submitting application everywhere where it is allowed.

c) New Brunswick - have no "connection" with this province. Still stuck on where can I get future (not past) schedule of Information Session, couldn't find it neither on Facebook nor google and site. So I am almost EXcluding this way, I live in Kazakhstan by the way, is there any possibility to catch this Session, at least in a countries nearby like Russia or Ukraine for example???

Thank You...