Hello guys, Please help me out, m in a situation right now. While applying for an ECA for FSWP canada(2014) I saw that WES doesnot have my university( amity university, NOIDA)in their so called free degree equivalence software. So I went ahead and emailed the other two agencies whether they recognise the my institution (ICAS and the one from university of toronto). I received a generic reply saying that they would only be able to answer these questions once you enrol for the assessment thru their agency. So while checking and scrolling thru the wes website I found a link which had list of contact information for all the universities in India (that are duly recognised by the Indian agencies) I found my university's name. So I went ahead and got enrolled with wes but today I received their mail saying that they don't recognise my institution. My institution is recognised by ugc, by united nations, it is a member of commonwealth universities, and many other agencies. I am in a fix right now I don't no whether I should go with other institutions, I feel that they may again just tell that we don't recognise ur university. Please help, have emailed the wes people but I don't think they would do anything about it, as I again received a generic reply saying that they would review it. Has anybody found a way to make these agencies recognise an institution. Any help would be appreciated