hammadi_16 said:
Dear All,
Can anybody let me know that almost how much a student can earn easily or practically in Campus (in the Early 6 months) and in off Campus (Later or after 6 months).
Practically or easily words mean that student is allowed to work 20 hours but do he really get the 20 hours of job or not.
Another thing is that do any student can earn $ 10,000 to $ 15,000 in 1 year by this 20 hours of work or not?
Please reply soon
Provided you are a student of recognized educational institute in Sask., which is a participating in OCWP+PGWP... then for the 1st 6 months, you will are allowed to work part-time (max. 20 hours) ONLY inside your institute campus or the ON-campus jobs. These jobs are few, and many students competing for it and hence you should not at all expect to earn on the basis of On CAMPUS JOBS. If you do manage to find an ON campus job...THEN consider yourself lucky.
After 6 months of actual study (not the 6th month), you can apply for an Off campus work permit (OCWP), which will again take average 1 month to come. After that, you have to consider... studies, maintaining grade, networking by volunteering or joining clubs, co-op jobs, your own leisure... and not to mention harsh winter of Sask., which will make doing regular OFF campus jobs quiet a challenge and might affect your grades if you neglect main studies and only consider making quick money working part time.
Still... say, you do manage to find a regular legal part-time job of 20 hours/week, then at current minimum wage of 10$/hour in Sask. , you will be earning 20X10=200$/week or 800$/month or minimum 9,600$/year. You may earn more. But whatever you earn.. you will need that much for living expenses, and so I really doubt if you will be able to save extra 10-15k$ in a year working 20 hours/week.
You may earn 5-15k$ or more... easily if your course has co-op/internship (atleast 4-6 months) term(s)... and you manage to find a good well paying co-op job.
Best of Luck.
***All opinions expressed are purely personal, and pieces of information mentioned are to the best of my knowledge... You should consult other sources too.